Monday, January 11, 2010

What's new

So we had a fabulous new year with a late night at the De La Portilla home till about 10pm and then rang in the new year on the couch, asleep. I hope that's a good omen for the new year that we'll get plenty of sleep in 2010. The next morning however we hopped a flight to San Antonio for out last time with the other Texas Hunts before their move to Travis in No. Cali. We spent most of our time at their home and at the mall, just crawling the stores and enjoying eachothers company, oh, and there was the four hour stint at Chick Filet. Who can turn down food and a play place? At the mall the kids demanded a pic with uncle Ronald, we have to do something about that I'm sure!

I was trying to think what we've been up to this past week and really it's just been run of the mill, so to speak. The kids have been stinkin cute of course, but other than that I'm still just getting the lay of the land here and unpacking some last boxes

It's been pretty cold here lately, so much so that we're having to drip our faucets at home during the night to prevent pipe bursts, but who drips them at the church? No one I guess because one burst on Sat so church was canceled. We spent our time at home as a family and taking a drive that put both kids down for naps

CJ just loves playing hide in the cupboard, and Elizabeth and her dad love to play the piano when CJ the Ham will let them. It was a great day.

Other than that we're just doin' our thing every day, looking for a house on the side and planning our next trips to see family and friends.

Till next time!

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