Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The CJ Special Edition

CJ is such a character! Every day he makes us laugh with all the things he says and does. He is creative, thoughtful, independent, and hard working. Here's what he's been up to lately . . .

Christopher has been loving his Trio Block set that his cousin gave him for Christmas. He loves to make the design from the booklet and then start rearranging the pieces to make different creatures. He laughs and screams with delight and demands pictures to be taken and of course we oblige and laugh along with him. He's so creative!

Isn't that sweet?

Christopher is so in love with his sister Janie. Often times, like this, when we are in the car on long trips Chris is able to keep his sister occupied. He wants to make sure that she isn't crying, which keeps Mom happy, and has toys to play with. I assure him that she needs only one or two toys, but he loves to pile them on. He's so thoughtful!


Chris is into eating peanut butter sandwiches, no honey, no jelly, no bananas, only peanut butter. I think, well, it's protein right? and a quick fix so why not. I do limit him to one a day though, sometimes he asks for one as a snack and a meal substitute! So this is him yesterday, asking for a PB snack and I was already feeding Lizzie so he would either have to wait, or do it himself, he chose the later and was still working on spreading when I was able to help. He did a wonderful job and ate the whole thing with pride. It was awesome! My little man is so independent!

Just one more nail . . .

This was the first month that we've taken Chris to the Home Depot Kids Workshop and he loved it! There were several little projects to choose from, I was sure that CJ would have picked the helicopter, but he choose to build a hot wheel car display case. Daddy and son worked hard while I juggled a squirmy babes and took pictures. I was so impressed with CJ's concentration to do just as Dad instructed and finish the entire project without losing interest. He's such a hard worker! The result was perfection and one one the best pictures of Daddy and Son that we have.

So that's a wrap of our man CJ and what he's been up to lately. He's quite a character and we love every bit of him!

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