Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mischief Managed

It's been another exciting week at the Happy Hunt Home. We are getting a little better settled and Christopher is starting to get into trouble as he sees fit. He's always been one of those kids that wants to go and do on his own so when he wanted a snack, that was just what he was amin to do.

Caught right in the act, I had to grab the camera and then scold him. That kid could eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we let him.

On to Lizzie . . . She loves to eat! She has been cranky for the last week and I thought she was teething again because she wanted to gnaw on everything but it turns out that she just wants to eat! We're full force into baby food and even table food if it's mashed up. She loves whole fruit, strained green beans, and any kind of bread, who doesn't!

I am also very pleased to announce that our Janie has started to sit up. She leans all the way forward to do so but it does last for more than a few seconds. She then goes even further for the toes or looks to the side with her full head and falls over. This is very exciting stuff.

In other events, I cut CJ's hair yesterday and did my own hair for Jeremy's holiday party. I was pretty impressed with both if I do say so.

And lastly I want to dish about this company party. It was a black and white ball so Jeremy and I dressed up for the occasion, I even wore the tiara from my wedding, and why not? It was held in a hotel in Dallas and there were some big names from the company rumored to be there. The founder Herb, among them, was not present, he had the flu, but Colleen Barrett, former CEO of the company and first female CEO of any airline ever, was there so we took a picture with her.
That's here in the middle. After the picture we sat back down at our table and she followed us! She sat next to Jeremy through dinner and we all had a lot of laughs at Herb's ex pence because he wasn't present. It was a spectacular evening.
This coming week we'll be going to Richard and Brandolyn and the kids in San Antonio so stay tuned!


  1. Yay!! Another post again!! You're kids are growing up so fast!! It looks like things are going good for you guys! I'm so happy!!

  2. How fun! I am glad you are blogging again - I love to read it! So I heard a rumor that you might be headed our way - is that true?
